May I have a free copy of Rehearsal?
I got this email recently:
Hello David,
My name is Aaron. I am a 15 year old aspiring actor living near Portland, Oregon. Lately I’ve been getting extremely serious about acting. I stumbled upon your app on my iPod Touch and I love the concept! It definitely looks like the most polished app of its kind available.
My question I present to you today is this; I am, like most teenagers, not rich. Any money I have is going towards college. Is there anyway I could possibly get a free copy of Rehearsal 2? I’d love to showcase it to some of my acting colleagues! Let me know whenever you can.
Sincerely, Aaron
Answer: You can get Rehearsal 2 at a 50% discount through the Apple Education program. But let me also give you some really important advice, and this is it: … (continued in David’s answer below)
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You can get Rehearsal 2 at a 50% discount through the Apple Education program.
But let me also give you some really important advice, and this is it:
Stop, right now, this very moment, stop asking people for things for free.
Make it a point to never, ever do it again.
Instead, become industrious and practice immense ambition and resourcefulness. Get a job. Or get two. Make them fun if you can.
Save your money – don’t spend it on frivolous things. Work hard at whatever job(s) you have and maximize your income, then use that money wisely to buy things that make your acting career, and your life, rich and rewarding. Then make more.
Because if you really are “extremely serious” about acting, money is going to make a huge difference in your ability to weather the lean times between acting jobs, should you decide to continue down that path. Having money, and the wisdom to use it effectively, will go a long way towards making it possible for you to concentrate on your acting craft, the business and the marketing you’ll need to gain jobs.
Headshots, reels, VO demos, resumes, websites, computers, gas, cars – all completely essential to your acting career. Don’t put yourself in a position where you need to ask for things for free because you’re “not rich.” Change that. Get rich, or at least comfortable. To ask for a $20 app to be given to you for free, well – you need to be in a better position than that.
I had a paper route, I worked at a car wash, and I worked at NASA, all at the same time – because I, as a teenager, was “not rich.” I didn’t like it. And instead of asking other people for favors, or to carry my water, I decided that I was going to change that. And I did – at 14. You can certainly do it at 15, 16 or 17.
I’m encouraging you to do this because most people simply won’t. They’ll just tell you yes, or no, and leave it at that. I’m respectfully declining, giving you a third option (the Education discount), and a piece of advice I wish I’d had much earlier in my career.
I can’t tell you how important this advice is – and I fully realize you may reject it out of hand, because you don’t have any responsibility right now. But you asked. And now’s the time to develop this instinct, and then, when you need it most, having a job that pays the bills or even more won’t be new to you, and you’ll be that far ahead of your “acting colleagues”, who, for the most part, will all be struggling with money.
Be different. Be smart. Be bold. Be disciplined. And then, be the best actor you can be, without worrying about money.
Keep me posted.
And break a leg.
UPDATE: here’s Aaron’s reply:
Thank you very much for the response David! I’ll look into that discount you told me about, that’ll certainly help me.
Yes, I know money is usually a big deal with acting careers. Actors usually have one or two jobs on the side in addition to acting if I’m not mistaken? This has been the source of a lot of anxiety for me as of right now.
My main source of grief is this; when I graduate from college (I’m looking at Southern Oregon University right now as a very viable college) I have no idea where to begin in my career.
I’d love to start getting paid acting jobs right now, but I just have no idea where to begin. It’s such a huge profession and everyone is seemingly trying to get everywhere and nowhere at once. Should I look into online profiles? Casting agents? Getting a headshot and resume? What kind of things should I put on a resume?
Thank you very much for the well thought out answer! I’ll look into that half price discount, and I’ll keep you informed of my latest acting stints if you’d like. If you don’t want me spamming your inbox, that’s totally fine too. You’ve given me way more advice than I expected you would.
I know that money could potentially be a big problem down the line but I’m willing to work hard to achieve my dream. I love acting and no matter what kind of money I’m being paid that won’t change how much I love it.
I loved that.
What’s your answer to this acting question? Let me know in the comments below.
Great advice. More people should encourage old fashion work ethics instead of the world owes me, welfare mentality. Being a hard working man that walks the walk, one would be wise to heed your advice!